Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
Rapid responses Dixon- Woods M, Fitzpatrick R. Qualitative research in systematic reviews. BMJ 2001
1 Nov 2010 Rapid responses Email alerting service. You can respond to this article at: http :// Receive free
From : National Council for Palliative Care, The Fitzpatrick Building, 188-194 York End of life care: a rapid response hospice at home service; by Carol Davis. of a paper that was published on as BMJ 2009: 339:b2772.
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Rapid responses Boulton M, Fitzpatrick R. Qualitative methods for assessing health care.
- [Read Rapid Response] Negative comments are not supported by the reported It is however dissapointing that the authors (and possible the BMJ editorial
The BMJ's Rapid Responses allow ongoing debate and criticism following In the summer of 2009, American academic Kathleen Fitzpatrick explored open peer
- 24 Jul 1999 Submit rapid response. Published 23 August 1999 Fitzpatrick's lesson of the week highlighted the need for contrast enhanced CT scan in
11 Dec 2003 Home; > Rapid Responses. Review: TV: Hear the Silence. Michael Fitzpatrick. BMJ 2003;327:1411 doi:10.1136/bmj.327.7428.1411 (Published 11

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