Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
3 Feb 2002 CLEBURNE'S DIVISlON. Maj. Gen. PATRICK R. CLEBURNE. Polk's Brigade. 17th Alabama Battalion Sharpshooters, Capt. James F. Nabers.
McClellan's Army of the Potomac captured several Black Confederate sharpshooters. On a cold winter night in January 1864, Patrick Cleburne put forth a On October 3, 2009, a 700-pound bronze statue of Patrick Cleburne will be
Now under the field command of Patrick Cleburne of the left wing, The Sons of Erin and 4th Georgia Sharpshooters began to engage as skirmishers.
9 Jan 2010 Photo of Berdan''s Sharpshooters Harper's Weekly drawing used by permission General Patrick R. Cleburne, Source: Library of Congress
Pat Cleburne, at 35, was the commander of the shock troops of Gen. The standoff at Ringgold's Gap became a sharpshooters' war between Union troops
1st Battalion Mississippi Sharpshooters; 1st Mississippi; 3rd Mississippi; 22nd Mississippi Major General Patrick Cleburne (Library of Congress)
“[Sharpshooters] are not likely often to be taken prisoners, as death is Patrick Cleburne “was very mad at them for not surrendering instead of holding
11 Dec 2006 In Response To: Re: 12th Battalion Arkansas Sharpshooters (Tom) Patrick Cleburne was truly a "soldier's general.
, - 2002 - History - 64 pagesEleven sharpshooters in the Kentucky Orphan Brigade received British-made In the spring of 1863 Major General Patrick Cleburne of the Army of Tennessee
3 Feb 2009 This campaign gave rise to such legends as General Patrick Cleburne's Whitworth Sharpshooters whose skill at long distance shooting was
pat our collective back of the Palmetto Sharpshooters. I'll pause while you pat yourself on your back. March 17, 1828: General Patrick Cleburne
Captured at Vicksburg in 1863, he was paroled and became a Whitworth sharpshooter in Gen. Patrick Cleburne's division of the Army of Tennessee.
Confederate sharpshooters in the west were mainly smaller groups used for sniping rather than skirmishing. Patrick Cleburne, a former member of the British
- 2006 - History - 446 pagesPatrick Cleburne was in charge of these soldier marksmen. The South apparently put its sharpshooters to work in 1862. but not officially until 1864 did
1 Feb 2011 That includes a lot of time on the skirmish line and service as one of Pat Cleburne's sharpshooters. He came home to sheer devastation.
Cleburne's Division MG Patrick Cleburne (k) BG James A. Smith 46th Georgia; 65th Georgia; 2nd Georgia Sharpshooters Battalion; 16th South Carolina
Patrick Cleburne's profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination railroads, medicine, sharpshooters and the battles of Trevillians,
5 Feb 2010 On a cold winter night in January 1864, Patrick Cleburne put forth One of their best sharp shooters, and the boldest of them all here
General Patrick Cleburne's official report on the Battle of New Hope Church stated Cleburne established a unit of sharpshooters. Pal won a regimental
- 2009 - Biography & Autobiography - 392 pagesHe sent the 15th Mississippi sharpshooters forward as skirmishers, but their Union counterparts were armed with Henry repeating rifles.

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