Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
29 Mar 2010 *Roy H. Gilpatrick, 1941. *Charles T. W. Blake, 1942. *David E. Gilpatrick, 1943 . *Nathaniel A. Gilpatrick, 1944. *Reginald O. Emmons, 1945
100 Nathaniel Gilpatrick: b 2 Jul 1753 Biddeford, York, ME; m 1785; d 30 May 1834 Bowdoin, Sagadahoc, ME 101 Abigail Higgins: d 28 Jul 1805
5 Sep 2010 Lydia and Nathaniel Gilpatrick, both of Lisbon, [---], his second m., P.R.107. Lydia J., Miss and Charles E. Johnson both of Lisbon, int.
It is also interesting that I can find no record of Nathaniel Gilpatrick in the State of Maine Adjutant's reports for the Civil War!
Nathaniel Gilpatrick 1 3 1 0 0. Timothy Higings 3 5 4 0 0. Benjamin Handerson 1 2 2 0 0. Samuel Wilson 1 0 0 0 0. Joseph Wheeler 1 0 1 0 0
May 3, 1850, to Nathaniel Gilpatrick, of Kezar Falls. V. MARY J.,5 b. Dec. 25, 1826; d. at Saco, Aug. 23, 1845. VI. JEREMIAH,5 b. April 10, 1829; m.
The Nathaniel Gilpatrick Family Page. Updated September 4, 2004. Mark Austin Levesque Nathaniel and Pauline Gilpatrick are my maternal grandparents.
Israel TRIPP was born in 1783 in Alfred, Maine. He was married to ... (daughter of Nathaniel GILPATRICK and Joanna KIMBALL) in 1813 in Kennebunk, Maine.
District Deputy Grand Master—Nathaniel A. Gilpatrick, Richmond. 8 United, Brunswick. 63 Richmond, Richmond. 14 Solar, Bath. 114 Polar Star, Bath.

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