Lottery Announces St. Patrick's Day Raffle - Portland News Story . Oregon Lottery St. Patrick's Day Raffle | | Portland News


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

18 Jan 2011 SALEM, Ore. -- The Oregon State Lottery has announced details of another million dollar game centered around this St. Patrick's Day.

25 Nov 2010 EMC News- The annual St. Patrick's Home Foundation Lottery has begun and offers a gift that gives all-year round.

17 Mar 2010 Wednesday 17 March is St Patricks Day, and lottery players who fancy celebrating by giving themselves a chance of winning a big-money prize

24 Jan 2010 MONDAY, 1/25 – Oregon Lottery St. Patrick's Day Raffle – We'll help the Oregon Lottery kick-off their 2nd Annual St. Patrick's Day Raffle,

18 Mar 2010 Since 1985, Oregon Lottery players have won over $11 billion in prizes. The Oregon Lottery is recognized across North America as an industry

17 Mar 2010 The Oregon Lottery celebrated its second annual St. Patrick's Day raffle today, and it has selected its $1 million winner.

Lottery drawing results for the Illinois (IL) St. Patrick's Day Millionaire Raffle game.

COPY OF RULES: A copy of the rules is available by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: WGN-TV & ILLINOIS LOTTERY'S "ST. PATRICK'S DAY CONTEST"

17 Mar 2009 The demand for the Oregon lottery St. Patrick's Day raffle results was so high that we first could not get to the Oregon Lottery website and

2011 St. Patrick's Day Raffle: Tickets Remaining: The Oregon Lottery® attempts to ensure that the winning numbers for each (Lucky Lines SM, Megabucks SM

17 Mar 2010 Today, the Oregon Lottery announced winners of the St. Patrick's Day raffle. Learn more about the Oregon Lottery and where the money goes.

18 Feb 2009 The Illinois Lottery published this sample ticket for the St. Patrick's Day Millionaire Raffle. Courtesy Illinois Lottery

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