Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
GWWA, Great Western Whippet Association Orange CA Contact: Pat Burlingame, NCWC, Northern California Whippet Club
Database containing whippet pedigrees including thousands of photos. A place for the community Owner: Patrick Burlingame. Kennel: Sire: Windyglen's PDQ
WHIPPETS, Veteran, Bitches, 7 years and under 10 years. 318 Ch. Windborn Blu Passion, Owner: Patrick Burlingame. 563 Adams Ct , Redlands , CA, 92374 .
GWWA: Great Western Whippet Association. Orange CA work. Delegate and Race Secretary: Pat Burlingame email:
Historical Overview of Whippet Racing Organizations GWWA, Patrick Burlingame , 563 Adams St. Redlands, CA 92374, 909-794-7244,
Date of Birth, 2003, Breed, Whippet. Owner, A. Bassett, Breeder, Pat Burlingame. Colour, Fawn, Call Name, Stuart. PARENTS. GRAND-PARENTS. GREAT GRANDPARENTS
Owned by Pat Burlingame. NOFCA Open Field Coursing Vitesee Charlotte, CC,CM ( Charlie) won the whippet breed hunt at the Grand Course in 2001.
Owned by Pat Burlingame. NOFCA Open Field Coursing Vitesee Charlotte, CC,CM ( Charlie) won the whippet breed hunt at the Grand Course in 2001.
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She also won the 2007 Eastern Whippet Derby in North Carolina and then took some success and also want to congratulate his breeder, Pat Burlingame.
Custom Dog Wear, Doggone Designs, Pat Burlingame (coursing & racing) All Whippets must be registered with NAWRA to enter our race meets.
GWWA - Great Western Whippet Association - For information, contact Pat Burlingame; IWHC - Inland Wilderness Hunt Club - For information, see their site

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