Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
17 May 2010 b 1842 Dec 04 Bridport Dorset, 6.25 William Pavey b c 1815 Bridport Dorset d 1853 Jul 16 Glasgow, 8.67 Patrick Bell, 9.133 Patrick Bell
Bell, Master T., Bertram, Mr. T. G., Bisset, Miss A., Boyle, Miss M., McKay Patrick 35. Steel Worker Motherwell Motherwell ABIGAIL, Henry Gaudens, Master, sailed from Weymouth, Dorset, June 20, and arrived at Salem September 6, with the new RALPH MASON 35 carpenter of Saint Olave's Southwark Boston
patrick m mcaleer unclaimed property patrick j noonan st patrick ireland freemason patrick bell dorset patrick hughes piano player
Preston Patrick, Cumbria, St Patrick, 1 bell, 3.5 cwt. Unringable. Moor Crichel, Dorset, St Mary the Virgin, 1 bell, 2.75 cwt in Eb. Unringable. (CBOD). Bushey, Hertfordshire, Royal Masonic School, 1 bell, 4-3-13 in C#.
Prep school in Swanage, Dorset, UK from 1934 until probably the 1960s. B Marshall, W Marshall, David Mason, John Mason, Graham Medley, E Moss, Clive Murley, ? Bailey, J Barker-Simpson, N Barker-Simpson, Terence Beesley, R A Bell, Robert Gray, Patrick Griffin, M Hacking, R Hansen, Douglas Harding,
13lb pike - UAE Broad, Norwich - Wendy Mason-Barrie - Mackerel. 11lb pike - UAE Broad, Norwich - Kathryn Mason-Barrie - 31lb 2oz pike - Dorset Stour - Nathan Edgell - Livebait. 33lb pike - River Thames, Faringdon - Patrick Belcher - Sprat 17lb 4oz & 10lb 1oz pike - Farlows Lake - James Bell - Mackerel
Patrick COX; Visitor; M; 26; Traveller; YORKS Wakefield; F14p3 69; High East Street; Alfred James MASON; Head; M; 29; Brewers Clerk & Traveller; Dinah WOODWARD; Wife; M; 67; DORSET Broadway; F33p41. 166; Bell Street; Joseph
Foote Robert Benjamin, Bell Block, sawyer Ford James, New Plymouth, Tataraimaka, farmer M'Gregor William, Grey Block, sawyer M'Koy Patrick, Omata,
Bushrod, Anne r.1607 - Trinity Church, Dorchester, Dorset, England Butler, Margaret - Butler, Marie - Living Butler, Marjorie Bell b.1917 - Bloomington, McLean, Illinois Carey-Mason, Christopher Patrick - Living
30 Jan 2011 4th Patrick Millington. 5th Lydia Cope. 6th Clare Bell. 7th Elizabeth Harris. 8th John Knowles Event: SOUTH DORSET HUNT RIDE. Date: 8 March 2008 4th Patrick Millington. 5th Richard Mason. 6th Jonty Evans
- 1997 - Performing Arts - 2148 pagesSuburban residents Arthur and Gerrie Mason are shocked to discover their daughter Maxie along with the indolent Lord Nicholas Dorset, to rob the bank .
Patrick Bell died that year, he was also a farmer and invented the first reaping machine John Lewis teddy in a sleigh!, Dorset Cereals porridge hamper.
22 Dec 2004 (Desmond Patrick Bell and Nicola Barrell. Boscombe, Bournemouth BH5 1HF, formerly of 12 Bosley Close, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2HQ.
Much has been written about the origins of Freemasonry in New Zealand, like a true son of St. Patrick, he imported five hundred bags of turf from Ireland by the two respective seconds, Bro's Dr John Dorset and Francis Bell.
Barbary Bell Barry's Best Beaux of Albany Belfast Duck Belgian Waltz Big Set - Allemande Dorset Four Hand Reel Dorset Ring Dance Dorset Triumph Double Lead Through St Patrick's Day in the Morning Steam Boat Stoke Golding Country Dance Mason's Apron Meeting Six Merry Blacksmith Miller of Stralloch
Begga, Augustus Belbin, Alfred Charies W Belford, Patrick Bell, Cecil George Cole Hill, Wimbome, Dorset, Eng Shirbeck Greater, Lincoln, Eng Gen.
R. 053.508.38 Mason, ___ Sr. 1756 Mason, Agnes Mason, Agness Mason, Ausbond F. Mason, Christopher Mason, David 1776 Mason, David 1828 Mason, Dorset

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