Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
Recent messages in St Patrick's School Gympie. Gunabul Homestead. We are holding a reunion for all girls who ... 11/05/2006 05:43:28. 0 replies
Recent messages in St Patrick's College Gympie. CLASS OF 1959 REUNION. ST PATRICKS CONVENT GYMPIE JULY 18TH ... 29/01/2009 21:13:43. 0 replies
Find newspaper articles and back issues from Gympie Times, ST PATRICK'S class of '69 celebrated their 40 year reunion at theRSL on Saturday night.
St Patrick's College GYMPIE, QLD Graduated: 2006. Student status: Alumni Major: Drama,Maths Minor: English,Biol,R.E,B.C.T. Greek: Nu Theta Xi, 1996 to 2006
Check out our Information page for more detail - use the menu system. You are here: College Home. 'Let Your Light Shine' at St Patrick's College, Gympie
An early photograph of St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. 78 to accommodate the Gympie Library, now known as the Cooloola Shire Library Service. The Library Times to Remember (Yabba Creek Reunion Committee, 1988).
This is not a ghost tour but a connection to Gympie's past, done with respect, by the members of the Gympie Family History Society. ST. PATRICK'S RACE DAY
st patricks church binghamton st patricks college gympie St patricks reunion sarnia. Congress for Cultural Freedom on a ship bound double on 12 and an
Past Reunions At St Patrick's College Gympie. Brisbane pub TBA Recent messages in St Patrick's College Gympie. CLASS OF 1959 REUNION
St Patrick's Catholic Church supporting the faith in the Gympie and Cooloola region.

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