Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
Ed. George Neilson and Henry Paton. Edinburgh: H.M.'s Stationery Office, 1918. p . 228-229. Patrick is therein styled "Patrik of Kincaid of that Ilk,
Rich Text Format - Edinburgh. On the death of Patrick, G-1, succeed to the Kincaid lands. 1747 , d: 1834. Was a .Lieutenant in the Virginia Militia in 1774 and was wounded
i July 1747. Corbet, Walter, Colonel of His Majesty's Royal Regt. of Kincaid, Peter,flesher in Edinburgh, by r. of w.. Christian, dau. to dec.
Edinburgh 1747. Married Elizabeth Frogg, daughter of the late William Frogg, Alexander Kincaid and John Bell Luckenbooths 1764-1771 Son to the late Patrick Crichton in Dalkeith apprenticed with Richard Lawson librar [!
He was the son of Patrick Nisbet, Lord Eastbank in 1636, to the bold scheme of the New Town" and first called Young Street, according to Kincaid.
- - BOWER, Patrick St. Andrews. 1723-1814. D M. DM BRADLEY, KER, J. Selkirk - 1747- (Car- nie). DM KINCAID, Alexander Edinburgh. IT 1734-77
1711 Thomas Kincaid. 1712 William Mercer, writer in Edinburgh 1713 James Cockburn, Secretary to 1747 Robert Biggar, merchant. 1748 Hugh Clerk, senior .
7 May 2007 1 August 1747 Allin Toothaker was married to Abigail French of Dunstable Patrick Kincaid; William Rodick b. 19 Feb 1782 d. 11 Aug 1848.
GEDDES, ROBERT: merchant Bailie in Culross, elder brother of Patrick Geddes, GEDDES, WILLIAM: writer in Edinburgh; Robert Geddes, merchant in Culross; 1723 & rec 26 July 1726 and 4 Dec 1747 [B12/5/1 Pp 156-59 and B12/5/2 Pp 127-30] Kincardine, and Elizabeth Kincaid, relict of sd dec Robert Mill;
8 Jul 2006 Parish of Edinburgh for the years 1701-1750 inclusive, and is in continuation of the See Christian Syme. „ Katherine ; James Thomson, messenger 11 Oct. 1747 Patrick Kincaid, flesher, in S. K. p. 10 Oct. 1742
Patrick Kincaid of Leith, was Master Brewer to King James V in the 1530s and 1540s. David Kincaid of Coates was Constable of Edinburgh Castle from as early
, - 2007 - Antiques & Collectibles - 632 pagesA pair of Trefid Tableforks 1698/99 by Alexander Kincaid, Edinburgh. Two from a set of twelve 1786-90 Dessert Knives by Patrick Robertson, Edinburgh.
16 Aug 2010 A George II teapot stand / waiter by William Dempster / William Davie, Edinburgh 1747 - 1748, Assay Master Hugh Gordon, of shaped circular
Patrick Kincaid Edinburgh 1747 - Pasadena Museum California Art. patricia salwei . password cracking software free. patron saints ... patricia andronikos.

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