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28 Jan 2010 He was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Dick and Blanche "Mom;" parents, Andrew Patrick and Mary Jane Dunigan; an infant son,
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Duncan CFR/87 Andrew Dunigan CFR Patrick Andrew Dunigan CFR Craig G. Dunkerley CFR/92 Patrick Andrew Dunigan Campaign Contributions and Donations .
In 1962, James Patrick Dunigan bought the ranch for $2.5 million and began gentler management. Andrew Dunigan , one of her sons, said the family has set a
Dunigan, Mike Dunigan, James Michael Antonius, Jacqueline A Dunigan, Patrick Andrew Vanburen, Featherleaf Dietz, John H Dietz, John H Dietz, David Michael
Richard A. Cabell CFR Elizabeth Cabot CFR Henry B. Cabot AC/CFR John M. Cabot CFR/87 Andrew Dunigan CFR Patrick Andrew Dunigan CFR Craig G. Dunkerley
Chair: J.H. Cullum Clark, President, Prothro Clark Company, Patrick Andrew Dunigan, President, Patrick A. Dunigan Enterprises. 12:00-1:30 p.m.
Richard A. Cabell CFR Elizabeth Cabot CFR Henry B. Cabot AC/CFR John M. Cabot CFR/87 Andrew Dunigan CFR Patrick Andrew Dunigan CFR Craig G. Dunkerley
Spouse: Mary Ellen Reed Dunigan. Parents: Andrew Patrick and Mary Jane Dunigan. Other: James Andrew Dunigan; Michele Ann Hudson and Husband Paul of New
5 Dec 2010 Dunigan, Patrick Andrew DALLAS, TX 75201, Dunigan Interests/Director, $2500 DUNIGAN, PATRICK A DALLAS, TX 75201, SELF-EMPLOYED/INVESTOR
Patrick Andrew Dunigan Anne Dunnigan Wilson. Brian Dunigan Age 49 View Details. Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH Springboro, OH. Julie Lynn Dunigan
14 Feb 2010 Mr. Dunigan was a past president of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and, in addition, served on their executive board for
DUNIGAN PATRICK ANDREW. Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 2004. pages cited this search: 1. Order hard copy of these pages
Dunigan, Patrick Andrew Dallas, TX 75201. Self employed/Self Employed, OBAMA, BARACK (D) Dunigan, Patrick A Mr. Dallas, TX 75201. Baca Land & Cattle Co.

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