Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
22 Sep 2009 Patrick Swayze close friends and family members say the one thing Patrick regretted in his life was not having children.
17 Sep 2009 Patrick Swayze - is survived by his wife, Lisa Niemi. The pair, who were married for 34 years, did not have any children.
Together, Lisa Niemi and Patrick Swayze dealt with success, disappointment, addiction, Lisa and Patrick do not have any children. Lisa miscarried twice.
30 Jul 2006 Patrick Swayze and his wife of 31 years are considering adopting. so many children all over the world who will never have a permanent
15 Jan 2009 His wife suffered a miscarriage in 1990 and he stated to People Magazine,they just missed there boat in life to have kids. Yes, he does I
29 Nov 2005 Enduring love: Patrick Swayze with his wife of 30 years, Lisa The couple don't have any children. Lisa has miscarried twice,
1 Feb 2001 Some may eventually have children, or not. Patrick Swayze, actor. Betty White, actress. Kevin Spacey, actor. Margaret Mitchell, author
14 Nov 2010 Patrick Swayze's wife Lisa Niemi says she would have loved to have had children with the late actor.
21 Sep 2009 8 Responses to “Patrick Swayze Wanted Children”. pam sapp says: I think Patrick Swayze musted have a better wife and I so proud on him.
5 Mar 2008 Patrick Swayze, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are tragic regardless of whether children are left behind. "We are still thinking of adopting, but you have to consider the child and not yourself.
1 Feb 2001 Some may eventually have children, or not. Patrick Swayze, actor. Betty White, actress. Kevin Spacey, actor. Margaret Mitchell, author
Patrick Swayze's wife Lisa Niemi says she would have loved to have had children with the late actor. But the 54-year-old Finnish American, who was married
21 Sep 2009 “I couldn't wait to become a dad, to have a child with this woman I loved so Patrick Swayze wanted to be a daddy -Backseat Cuddler [...]
7 Feb 2011 Together, Lisa Niemi and Patrick Swayze dealt with success, disappointment, addiction, Lisa and Patrick do not have any children.
8 Jan 2009 For me, that means that Patrick Swayze must have chosen the perfect see succeed: our gifted children and the gifted adults they become.

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