Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011
15 Feb 2011 1. Sleeping Bag 2. Corner Closet 3. Oh! Temptation 4. Same Thing 5. Rising Tide 6. Leave Ohio 7. The Edges 8. Heavy Problems (Peavey Rage) 9
10 Feb 2011 You wouldn't know it from suffering through the singer-songwriters who plague subway stops and opening slots from coast to coast,
The latest CD from the Patrick Sweany Band , henryfordbedroom is a startlingly original tour-de-force of roots music. Rising star, Patrick Sweany,
Listen to Patrick Sweany FREE on Rhapsody lets you explore every style of music without paying per song. Play 25 songs a month for free,
1 Apr 2009 If anyone ever makes a movie of Paul Thorn's life, they may have toleave out some o Hammer and Nail ,Sound Advice.
Listen and find out more about Patrick Sweany at Pandora is the Internet radio service that helps you find new music based on your old and
30 Dec 2010 Because every time he comes to town, Patrick Sweany, that wolf-voiced, blues- scorching son of a gun, shakes up one of the best blues shows
3 Feb 2011 Listening to Patrick Sweany's albums is like reading his life. In between and over top of melodies that are sometimes sweet and sometimes
10 Feb 2011 Patrick Sweany. This photo also appears in. Patrick Sweany (Set). Tags. live music · Patrick Sweany. Show machine tags (0) Hide machine
Hot on the heels of his acclaimed 2006 album ""CMon CMere"", Ohio native Patrick Sweany returns with a new set of rock n' soul numbers on ""Every Hour Is A
14 Jan 2011 Patrick Sweany The Basement, Nashville, TN, US The Basement, Nashville. On Tour. Patrick Sweany Band Tour Dates
Patrick Sweany Band's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs , music videos and more updates.
Patrick Sweany (born April 1974) is a Blues-rock musician from Massillon, Ohio. [edit] Biography. Patrick Sweany first gained prominence in the late 1990s
Patrick Sweany tour dates and concert schedule for 2011. Find upcoming Patrick Sweany tour dates or use Eventful Demand to get your city on the 2011 Patrick
Thu, Feb 17 | ||
Fri, Feb 18 | ||
Sat, Feb 19 |
Patrick Sweany Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos by Patrick Sweany at ReverbNation.
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