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Fresh troops or fresh thinking? 03/02/07 Patrick J. Buchanan Debates Israeli Cabinet Member Natan Sharansky What Was Newt Thinking? 4/30/2003
6 Oct 2009 saying we need "fresh thinking," and turned Afghanistan over to McChrystal, by Patrick J. Buchanan. Is The Bond Crisis Inevitable?
Pat Buchanan Opinion Columns - Fresh Troops -- or Fresh Thinking?
Fresh troops or fresh thinking? By Pat Buchanan Saturday, March 3, 2007. Ways to get us. Be a Facebook fan · Follow us on Twitter · E-mail Newsletters
6 Oct 2009 saying we need “fresh thinking,” and turned Afghanistan over to McChrystal, Patrick Buchanan is the author of Churchill, Hitler,
Fresh troops or fresh thinking? 03/02/07 Patrick J. Buchanan Debates Israeli Cabinet Member Natan Sharansky What Was Newt Thinking? 4/30/2003
Pat Buchanan October 06, 2009. The Pentagon's pre-emptive strike came with the leak of saying we need "fresh thinking," and turned Afghanistan over to
2 Mar 2007 Fresh Troops -- or Fresh Thinking? By Patrick Buchanan. Six years after Donald Rumsfeld agreed to a second tour of duty as secretary of
Pat Buchanan Opinion Columns - Fresh Troops -- or Fresh Thinking?
Patrick J. Buchanan Not one of the "Vulcans" embraces the new thinking on foreign policy that has taken root in Congress and the country in the
Buchanan has shown himself willing to break from the Washington pack and take on fresh thinking. I hope he and others pursue it. As a result of this seminal
Patrick J. Buchanan needs no introduction to VDARE.COM readers; his book State of Emergency: The Third 03/01/07 - Fresh Troops—or Fresh Thinking?
5 Jun 2002 Thanks for the link vincent - always nice to see fresh thinking, A Speech So Stirring It Converted Pat Buchanan August 28, 2008
4 Jan 2005 In saying that, he merely asserts that such fresh thinking may require time and again their position on Pat Buchanan and his adherents.
Pat Buchanan Opinion Columns - Fresh Troops -- or Fresh Thinking?

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