(Brian bailey alpena) | (brian bloom marietta) | (brian d peters). OBITUARIES Today for Friday June 22nd, 2007


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22 Jun 2007 Mr Brian Patrick Tusberg of Daleville passed away Wednesday, June 20, 2007, in Dothan from injuries sustained in an accident He was 32

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Services for Brian Patrick Tusberg, 32, Daleville, Ala., were ... Survivors include his wife, Brandy Harris, Daleville; … www.adaeveningnews.com

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27 Feb 2009  Services for Brian Patrick Tusberg, 32, Daleville, Ala., were ... Fred Caylor, Daleville, Ala., Mike Caylor, Cincinnati, Ohio;

27 Feb 2009  Services for Brian Patrick Tusberg, 32, Daleville, Ala., were ... Fred Caylor, Daleville, Ala., Mike Caylor, Cincinnati, Ohio;

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Brian Patrick Tusberg 6-22. Carl Brown 6-24. Leo Alexander 6-26. Beatrice Caffey 6-26. Cynthia Chandler 6-26. Stella Lenora Claborn 6-26

Services for Brian Patrick Tusberg, 32, Daleville, Ala., were Saturday, June 23, at Paterson-Sorrells Funeral Home Chapel, the Rev. Larry Doster officiating

3 Feb 2011 Mrs. Tusberg was preceded in death by her son, Brian Patrick Tusberg and her father Rex Lester Hall. Survivors include her son A. J. Tusberg

Everything you need to know about Brian Patrick Stansbury Email addresses, June 28, 2007 BRIAN TUSBERG DALEVILLE, Ala. — Services for Brian Patrick .

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